About Brigitte Rolfes

Brigitte lived and studied in Tanzania, Kenya and Costa Rica. She is a certified Intercultural Trainer and an Africanist by profession, holding both a B.A. and a M.A. in African Studies from Leipzig University.

Decentralized Dance Party

One of my personal highlights in Vancouver so far was being part of the Decentralized Dance Party (DDP). It was one of the best parties I have ever been to because it was just [...]

The female price of male pleasure

In times of #metoo, people increasingly talk about relationships and encounters between men and women. Besides obvious sexual harassment, many other things can leave women with discomfort after intimate encounters. The case of 'Grace' [...]

Ein Tag in der Elfenschule

Auf dem Weg von Deutschland nach Kanada habe ich einen kleinen Zwischenstopp in Island eingelegt. Auch wenn ich nur ein paar Tage dort war, wollte ich doch einen kleinen Eindruck des Landes mit den [...]

One day at the Elfschool

On my way from Germany to Canada I stayed in Iceland for a few days. I wanted to get a glimpse of the country with the most likeable soccer fans and stunning nature. The [...]

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